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Fee Structure & Payment

To protect your privacy and autonomy, Whole Mind Health is a fee-for-service private practice that does not submit billing to health insurers or other third-party payors.  You may submit your privacy-protected, coded invoice for reimbursement under the out-of-network terms of your health insurance policy, as applicable.  Our services also qualify for reimbursement through health or medical savings accounts.

Psychiatric Services

Dr. Webb's fee for

 psychiatric services is

  $200 per hour.


A sliding-scale fee option is available, based on income.

Individual Therapy

Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations:

90 minutes,  $300

Individual Treatment:

45 minutes,  $150 

30 minutes,  $100

Couples & Family Therapies

Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations:

100-110 minutes, $360 


Integrative Treatment Sessions:

50-55 minutes,  $180

Group Psychotherapy

90-minute group sessions

    $60 per person per week

  • Ongoing therapy

  • Groups are forming

  • Space is limited to 9 participants per group

Mental Health Peer Support Groups

75-minute group sessions:

   $45 per person per week

  • Groups are forming 

  • Space is limited to 12 participants per group

Group Learning

75-minute classes and workshops

   Individuals: $35 / class or workshop


   Couples: $45 / class or workshop


   Families: $55 / class or workshop

          (> 4,  $5 per added family member)

Whole Mind Health offers an income-based sliding-scale fee structure because we’re committed to making excellent mental health care financially accessible to committed individuals and families.  To learn more, speak with Dr. Webb and request an eligibility application during your initial inquiry or at your first appointment.


We accept checks and money orders payable to “Whole Mind Health” and mailed to P.O. Box 84, Kane, PA 16735.  We also accept debit or credit card payments through our electronic invoicing system.


Payment for psychiatric services is due monthly, in-full upon invoicing, unless alternative payment arrangements have been made in advance.  Payment for educational programs is due by the start of each workshop or series of classes.

Privacy Policy and HIPAA Statement

Dr. Webb respects the privacy and dignity of her patients.  Patient confidentiality is among the highest values and standards of practice at Whole Mind Health.  Dr. Webb protects the privacy of her patients and takes appropriate measures to ensure the continuous security of patient health records and treatment-related communications.  Dr. Webb’s psychiatric practice is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and she protects all private health information (PHI) consistent with HIPAA standards.


Code of Ethics Statement

Dr. Webb practices according to the highest ethical standards set forth in the American Nurses Association (ANA) and American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) Code of Ethics, and consistent with ethical standards set forth in the Pennsylvania Nurse Practice Act. 


Scope of Practice Statement

Dr. Webb’s practice is focused on the realm of psychiatric mental health primary care.  She practices consistent with the ANA’s and APNA’s expanded Scope and Standards of Practice for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing for advanced practice roles. 


Billing and Payment Statement

Payments for individual, couple, family, and group psychiatric services are due as the services are rendered.  All billing invoices and receipts for psychiatric services include coded information (ICD-10 and CPT codes) needed for third-party reimbursements, as applicable. Dr. Webb provides one courtesy fee waiver for a first late cancellation (with less than 24 hours notice) or a first missed appointment for psychiatric care.  Further late cancellations or missed appointments will be billed in full.  Three late cancellations or missed appointments in succession will be considered a withdrawal from treatment at Whole Mind Health. Payment for group learning programs may be made in advance, at the time of individual workshop sessions, or the first class in a series. 


Refund Policy

Payments for psychiatric services are non-refundable. Payments for group learning programs are refundable up to 24-hours prior to the start of a workshop or 24-hours before the first class in a series. After the courtesy fee waiver (above), payment will be required for any appointment cancellation with less than 24-hours notice and for any missed appointment with no notice.


Conflict of Interest Statement

Dr. Webb has no commercial conflicts of interest related to the programs and services she offers.


ADA Statement

People with special needs will be offered reasonable accommodations responsive to their needs, as requested, consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

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