Fee Structure & Payment
To protect your privacy and autonomy, Whole Mind Health is a fee-for-service private practice that does not submit billing to health insurers or other third-party payors. You may submit your privacy-protected, coded invoice for reimbursement under the out-of-network terms of your health insurance policy, as applicable. Our services also qualify for reimbursement through health or medical savings accounts.
Psychiatric Services
Dr. Webb's fee for
psychiatric services is
$200 per hour.
A sliding-scale fee option is available, based on income.
Individual Therapy
Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations:
90 minutes, $300
Individual Treatment:
45 minutes, $150
30 minutes, $100
Couples & Family Therapies
Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluations:
100-110 minutes, $360
Integrative Treatment Sessions:
50-55 minutes, $180
Group Psychotherapy
90-minute group sessions:
$60 per person per week
Ongoing therapy
Groups are forming
Space is limited to 9 participants per group
Mental Health Peer Support Groups
75-minute group sessions:
$45 per person per week
Groups are forming
Space is limited to 12 participants per group
Group Learning
75-minute classes and workshops
Individuals: $35 / class or workshop
Couples: $45 / class or workshop
Families: $55 / class or workshop
(> 4, $5 per added family member)
Whole Mind Health offers an income-based sliding-scale fee structure because we’re committed to making excellent mental health care financially accessible to committed individuals and families. To learn more, speak with Dr. Webb and request an eligibility application during your initial inquiry or at your first appointment.
We accept checks and money orders payable to “Whole Mind Health” and mailed to P.O. Box 84, Kane, PA 16735. We also accept debit or credit card payments through our electronic invoicing system.
Payment for psychiatric services is due monthly, in-full upon invoicing, unless alternative payment arrangements have been made in advance. Payment for educational programs is due by the start of each workshop or series of classes.